Anaspec is an international company based in the UK , US, Dubai and Hong Kong with an interest in supporting a number of markets requiring our unique range of scientific analytical instruments. We are located in the south of England. We provide after sales service for all products that we sell in all countries around the world and we support our representatives fully. We have distributors in many countries and offices in the UK, Dubai, US, Greece and Hong Kong. We offer a range of XRF spectrometers with exceptional performance many of which are based on the latest XRF technology employing Mirror Diffracting X-ray optics
This unique product range provides sub ppm analysis for most instruments supplied to the petroleum and mineral ore industry with “state of the art” X-Ray fluorescence analysers marketed under the name of Petro-Star and TraceTech. This includes applications for gasoline, diesel, bio diesel, jet fuel, marine oil and much more
Our technological advantage is our range of MWDXRF instruments providing unparalleled sensitivity at sub ppm LOD at affordable prices. We also offer a range of conventional EDXRF analysers including portable and hand held models.
Our product range
Xray Fluorescence
Mineral Ores
The preferred analytical method for surveying, prospecting and mining
A multi-application analyser in metal production, scrap sorting and QA
It can detect all elements present from Carbon to Uranium
MWDXRF for applications demanding very high sensitivity of around 0.1ppm
Elements can range from Carbon to Uranium. This unique range of instruments use double focussing diffracting monochromatic mirrors to focus X-rays onto a sample. The technology dramatically increases flux density at the sample, increases sensitivity and reduces background noise to insignificant levels. There are several instruments to choose from.
Elements can range from Carbon to Uranium. This unique range of instruments use double focussing diffracting monochromatic mirrors to focus X-rays onto a sample. The technology dramatically increases flux density at the sample, increases sensitivity and reduces background noise to insignificant levels. There are several instruments to choose from.
Energy dispersive Xray Fluorescence a practical inexpensive alternative to WDXRF
X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
XRF has many applications and is an extremely useful tool for analysing elements present in most materials in either a solid or liquid phase.
In Agriculture
It can be used for detecting the presence of heavy elements and harmful toxins in ores and soil. and measuring uptake or absoroption in plants
It is excellent for analysing trace pollutants
Provides a simple and fast analysis of unwanted additives or contaminants
Oil and Petrochem
The oil industry must measure trace Sulfur and Chlorine that can damage production sites. Also sub ppm levels of wear metals in engines or sumps
To analyze and detect harmful substances and elements present
OES Optical Emission
Xray Diffractometers
The Lab-X series are combined XRD and XRF with both desk top
and portable instruments
We offer arrange of Raman systems that includes confocal
Raman, Micro Raman and hand held Raman with options of difference excitation
UV Vis Spectrophotometers
We update our product range continuously and our current programme includes a superb range of spectrophotometers providing ultra-low stray light, high sensitivity, extremely reliable and the best value on the market today
This is a great range of instruments is economically priced, providing very high reliability and superb all round performance
Users can select to measure 3 ABS as standard up to 8 ABS for specialist applications
We also offer instruments with both single and double monochromatorsAll available with a complete range of accessories
Flame Photometers
Anaspec has produced Flame Photometers for many years and our
current model is an instrument with exceptional performance
There is a choice of elements that can be analysed which includes
Na, K, Ca, Li, Ba, as well as Rb, Cs, Sr
The analysis is multichannel simultaneous for all elements with
detection limits for some elements as low as 0.02ppm Ideal for industry, hospitals, environment
control, colleges, universities, water analysis, cement … anyone
An integral printer and PC Control with
software is available
The instrument is rugged and designed to
work 24/7
Atomic Absorption spectrometers
The Anaspec
Atomspec Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer is a fully PC controlled
instrument designed for high workloads in both industrial and academic
environments . It can be used with or without a graphite furnace and comes with
an optional auto sampler and hydride generator. The unique optical and
mechanical design provides for a safe and convenient flame system,
various background correction technologies, as well as convenient user
functions provided by a PC workstation. Atomspec AAS is CFR21 compliant
Microwave Digesters
The digestors are perfect
for ICP and XRF applications. They are easy to use and offer a very high level
of operator safety . We have several models with options for up to 48 vessels
and 3.0 KW operation. By
utilizing either contactless or in situ temperature measurements, the
digester applies the appropriate amount of power necessary to achieve the
temperature set point, in the allotted amount of time. “This approach is much
safer, and more efficient than simple power and time control,” A temperature
sensor provides feedback for power levels from the sample temperature, without
applying too much power and risking damaging the microwave vessels, or applying
too little power and not fully digesting the sample. Computer control monitors
each reaction (in multi-sample digesters) and records relevant parameters at
every stage of the digestion, thereby providing consistent output for every
sample in every run.
Total Organic Carbon analysis is essential for monitoring water systems
and pollution as well as monitoring incoming water purity. We offer two
systems to meet the needs of todays busy lab covering all applications
Hydrogen and Nitrogen Gas Generators
A unique range of
inexpensive Hydrogen and Nitrogen gas generators employing electrolytic cells.
These unique precision
electro-chemical gas generators are designed to provide hydrogen or Nitrogen
gas as required for chromatography and GC detectors such as FID and FPD. One
generator is capable of supplying multiple detectors and they are available in
various flow rates to ensure compatibility. Other uses include LC-MS sample
prep, ELSD and use as a fuel for general lab use. These generators utilise an
electrolytic exchange membrane to create the Hydrogen and Nitrogen gas
from de-ionized water and includes a desiccant filter to dry the gas. All of
our precision gas generators come with multiple safety features as standard and
are far safer and a more convenient alternative to conventional cylinder
The perfect product for
general lab use and more
Thermal Stages for Microscopy
This is s unique range of Thermal stages and probes
Multi product stages
Custom Products
Temperature controllers
Wafer Chucks
Thermal Plates
TS160 Thermal stage 0-160C Spectrophotometer
Multi probe
Hall Effect Stage
Image electrical probing
TP102G-PM Electrical Probe
HCS1200G-CAP Capillary 1200C stage
HCS600G-CAP Capillary 600C stage
Power point Capillary stage
Optical Monochromators
needs instrumentation that can detect wear products as the occur in engines of
all types as this information will allow maintenance staff to minimise fatal
damage being caused. These industries include oil analysis labs, wind energy,
oil and gas processing power generation, offshore power generation,
transportation process machinery and military .
Such analysis is also essential
in Marine environments analysing ships engines for wear and tear.
offer a number of solutions that can detect and measure wear products
including ferrous and nonferrous metal particles
Wear products in used oil
A great range of Optical Monochromators and light sources providing a range of focal lengths from 150mm to 1000mm
Both computer controlled and manual systems are available
Our range of useful
instruments for coal, cement, mineral ores and agriculture
food and agriculture
mineral ores and cement
Everything you need
for measuring
Physical properties.
Elements present
duty sample preparation
control and systems
Fourier Transform Infra Red
Based on more than thirty years’
experience in FTIR R&D and manufacturing, we have launched a new type of
FTIR Spectrometer that can install itself…” Plug and play “. The S70 Raleigh
combines consistent and excellent quality with superior performance, this new
model provides the best balance between intuitive control and convenient
operation. Plus advance performance and low operating and maintenance
cost. The S70 is the right choice for basic science research
analysis, production quality control testing
and detection, fundamental research and for all applications